Where Varsity Basketball Coaches come to Build A Championship Level Team and Program
Do you know of a varsity coach who has left the sidelines recently? I bet you thought of at least one right away. There are a lot of good coaches walking away from the game too early because they don't have a guide as they rebuild a program, turn around a toxic culture, or make winning part of the expectation on their team. I've built two successful programs - one at the college level and one at the high school level - and have built systems on offense, defense, program building, team building, fundraising, and more. These systems have propelled my teams to tremendous amounts of success and I'd love to share them with you and help you turn around a 3-18 team and make it into a top ten state ranked team just as I did. Doesn't that sound nice!
How It Works
Becoming A Championship Coach
Join CCG!
(If the doors are currently closed be sure to
sign-up for the waitlist.)
Set up a 1-on-1 Coaching Call With Coach Matt Dennis.
Dive into the Coaching Lab, connect with other coaches in the community, and attend coaching calls.
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about CCG & Coach Matt Dennis
It's Your Journey, What Will You Do With It
I'm sure you can relate to this... You've waited your whole life to lead a team. You spent years as an assistant coach or lower level coach hoping your name gets called to take the a head job one day, and that day finally arrives. The excitement is almost uncontrollable. Every conversation you have, every thought, and every internet search you do is about basketball. You're ready to develop players, build a team, and lead that team to win after win.
If you've felt this way, or maybe feel this way right now, you're just like me. I spent time as a middle school coach, assistant varsity coach, and an assistant college coach before getting to lead my first team as the head coach and I was so excited to get started. What I wasn't ready for was all of the decisions a head coach has to make and of course I didn't know what I didn't know, so I had to learn on the fly.
I quickly found out that I needed to be more organized, put systems in place for developing my players, teaching my offense and defense, scouting opponents, running camps, scheduling team camps, scrimmages, open gyms and whole host of other things. And of course, I was also the one meeting with players, parents, and administration. Whoa!! That's a lot!
My love for the game led me to 8 wins and 22 losses in my first season. I knew I needed to change a few things. My love for basketball didn't automatically make me a great coach. So, I decided I was going to learn how to be a good and hopefully one day a great coach. The first thing I did was seek out mentors that I could ask questions to and learn from. I discovered new offensive concepts, new defensive strategies, how to organize a camp, how to keep my players bought in to what "WE" were doing as a team and I became a better communicator and leader. It was like getting a Phd in coaching by learning from others. I've now led my teams to Top 10 state rankings, won conference and district titles, and won a several coaching awards. This only happened because others were willing to mentor and pour into me so I could become a better coach.
My mission is now to pour into other coaches who want to improve. I take the lessons I've learned from my mentors and my own experiences and pass them along to other coaches from all over the country. Through CCG, coaches have started camps, put in new offenses, implemented pressure defenses, learned to be better communicators and leaders, and of course, they've won more games. So what do you say, Coach? Are you ready to be get better?
Hall of Fame Coach Offers Kind Words
Coach Welch came to one of my free workshops. What an honor! A BCAM Hall of Fame coach who has won more games than I have coached has signed up and attended my workshop. Whoa!!! He didn't just attend, he gave me an unexpected and unsolicited endorsement. Take a listen to his kind words.
Imagine The Success You'll Have With...
Monthly Group Coaching Calls
Each month, we will have group coaching calls. During these calls we will discuss the most pressing topics at the at time. We'll also have guest speakers to present strategies and concepts to learn and grow from. This is also a time to connect and share with each other.
A mentor can save you a lot of time, offer clarity, and lower your stress level. With the ability to set up a 1-on-1 meeting when something comes up, you know you will be ready to handle any situation on or off the court.
Monthly Coaching Tips & Strategies
Each month coaches will release a lesson to help you stay on top of leading a team and running a program. Topics could be things such as out-of-bounds plays, team building, leadership strategies, captains meetings, leadership building ideas, or a whole host of other topics.
Coaching Vault
Included in the Championship Coaches Group is all- access to The Vault:
- Coaching Library
- Drill Vault
- Youth Library
- Clinic Replays
- Coaching Courses
A Coaching Community
Sometimes you need a place to ask a quick question or to vent some frustration. As a part of the Championship Coaches Group you will be able to reach out to me, other coaches, or the entire group to help you move forward, share a quick win, or to just chat basketball.
Behind The Scenes Look
You'll get a behind the scenes look at what goes into running a successful team and program. If you don't see it, just ask, and Coach will be happy to share the strategies, concepts, and process he uses to teach the game, develop his players, and build a strong culture the wins year after year.
Check out what coaches are saying
Your feedback and guidance helped a ton and our camp went great. I had our players telling me how much fun it was. You da man!
Coach Boling
A.D./VarsIty Coach
Thanks for the six point run rule of thumb. I'll be using that going forward. I have been coaching for a while now and it is so cool to see that there's still a ton I need to learn. Getting your perspective and seeing how you address things is really helpful.
Coach Dagamac
M.S. Coach
I really enjoyed the coaching session. It's clear that Coach Dennis carries a lot of experience and wisdom and loves the game. Thank you for taking the time to make your program an open book to help other coaches like myself grow and our programs develop.
Coach Thompson
Ass'T A.D./H.S. Coach
Where do I begin? I learned a tremendous amount and have enormous respect for how you run a program. I appreciate your commitment to teaching the game of basketball.
Coach Jewett
Varsity Coach
Thank you for the meeting last night. You gave me some good ideas and helped me think through some of the challenges that we are facing as a team and a program. It was nice to hear different ideas and perspectives. Thanks again!
Coach Rodesiler
Varsity Coach
Thanks for the advice and examples. I have enjoyed the membership and taken some really good things out of it to use in my next position.
Coach Pitts
Former Varsity Coach

What Makes CCG Different?
The Championship Coaches Group is built around the idea that every coach is at a different place in their journey. This is why it's a group and not just a course you buy.
As part of CCG, you'll be able to talk 1-on-1 with me, join our private Facebook group, get email support, access the complete Coaching Lab and be a part of our monthly meetings. Meeting coaches were they're at is what CCG is all about.
What about other coaching groups out there?
I can't speak to every coaching group out there but I can tell you I meet and talk with coaches from all over the country at every level - youth, middle school, freshmen, j.v., and varsity. Heck, I've even worked with a couple of college coaches. You're not getting just one thing from me, because it takes more than one thing to be a good coach. You're getting what I know works - shooting, camps, offense, defense, pressing, team building, plus a whole lot more.
product bonuses
What Else You Get As A Part Of The Group
Bonus #1
Building Better
Shooters Course
A step-by-step approach to teaching shooting in your program. You'll have what you need to teach your youth, middle school, and high school players how to become better shooters. It's exactly what I use in my program.
Bonus #2
Building A Force Baseline Pressure Defense Course
Get an up close look at the exact defense I've used to win multiple conference championships and win over 80% of my games as a head coach. I break it all down for you so you can use it right away.
Bonus #3
Starting and Running A Basketball Camp From A-Z Course
A staple of every good basketball program is their basketball camp. You'll get daily schedules, games, competitions, and everything I've used to grow my camps and my entire basketball program.
Bonus #4
Complete Zone Offense Course
Learn to coach your team so the know how to immediately attack any zone defense. You'll receive playbooks, video instruction, and several strategies to keep your team thriving against zone defense.
Bonus #5
Vertical Jump Program
Every coach wants better athletes. There is no better way to develop your athletes than with the Vertical Jump Program. You'll receive the VJP workout plan, videos of every exercise, and why behind the VJP. Just imagine if everyone could jump 6-8 inches higher next season!
Bonus #6
Drill Vault
Access hundreds of pdf and video drills to use in your next practice of workout. Drills are searchable by skill, emphasis, number of players, and by name. The Drill Vault saves you time so you can get in the gym with your players where you want to be.
Championship Coaches Group
Championship Coaches Group10
The CCG Group is designed to help coaches who want to lead their team and program new heights by enhancing their coaching. This could be a varsity coach, an assistant coach, or lower level coach such as a middle school or club coach.
I'm a bit bias but quite frankly, yes it is. Other coaches throw a ton of info at you at once or just teach one thing. Too much info doesn't do you any good and you'll forget most of it. Too little info and you my not get what you need right now. CCG is all about meeting where you are right now so you get what you need right now.
Don't look at joining as a cost, look at being a part of CPB as an investment. The time, money, and headaches you'll save is well worth the investment in yourself. Coaches have the option of a monthly investment of $29 and a yearly investment is $290 (two months free).
Yes. The easiest way is to pay is electronically but I know how school systems work so a check is just fine. All you need to do is contact me so I can get an invoice to you.
I get it, and that's why there is a monthly option and not just the yearly. If the cost is too high I encourage you to put the cost of the membership in your basketball budget when you're doing your fundraising, ask your boosters to cover the cost, or ask your A.D. to help cover the cost. I offer to cover the cost of membership and products for my coaching staff, all they have to do is ask.
Yes. CCG Members get all-access to the Coaching Lab (Library, Courses, Clinic Replays, Drill Vault), 1-on-1 meetings, the coaching community, and the monthly coaching calls.
Of course! I've had coaches who were just thrown into coaching a team join and I've had coaches who are 25 year veterans. On thing they both have in common are questions. The only coach that isn't getting better is the one not asking any questions. Feel free to ask as many questions as you'd like.
If you'd like for more than one coach on your staff to be a part of the group please email Coach at matt@coachmattdennis.com for special pricing plans.
I love it when I get to meet with an entire coaching staff. Running a program isn't a one person show all the time so getting everyone on the same page is a great idea. Please email me at matt@coachmattdennis.com for information about complete staff meetings.
Memberships require a level of commitment that a course or free group don't have. Courses can often go unwatched and just collect digital dust. Free groups lack leadership and often have so much noise that coaches don't realize growth.
You bet we will! A championship program must have strategy, X's and O's, and player development included in the mix. This Championship Coaches Group is more than just these three areas of the game though!
You can cancel at any time. Life happens, coaches change jobs, and believe it or not, some coaches retire. No matter the reason... know you can cancel anytime. If rates go up, you'll have to rejoin at the higher rate though.