Free Throw Shooting Mini-Course

by Matt Dennis

August 1, 2022

About Free Throw Shooting Mini-Course

Module Content

Video lesson

Lesson 1:  Start Here

Coach will briefly walk you through the course and share with you where you can get yoru 5 - One Hour Building Better Basketball Shooters Practice Plans.

Video lesson

A quick summary of free throw shooting and why it is so important. You'll also find my Free Throw Drills and Situations ebook.

Video lesson

Lesson 3:  Free Throw Routine

I often ask players what routine they use at the free throw line and they say they don't have one. Players want to make things as familiar as possibe when shooting a free throw and having a routine is paramount to making this possible.

Video lesson

By getting off the line players are becoming accostumed to resetting themselves and being comfortable at the free throw line.

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Making sure players can refocus themsleves and shoot the same shot every time they need to work on adjusting their bodies and resetting with each shot.

Video lesson

Small movements start to train players muscles to adjust to different variables and to become a better shooter. Training the muscles to make small adjustments can pay big dividends when fatigue is a factor late in a game.

Video lesson

Doing free throw shooting after a players heart rate is up and their muslces are fatigued mimicks what players will see in a game. The more conditioned they are to shoot the ball when tired the better they will make free throws in a game.

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